Marketing Translation Challenges

Now you can reach the global and local markets with the help of Language Direct’s marketing translation services. We also have translators and interpreters who specialize in other fields.

marketing translation

Companies that  expand or  want to make it big in the industry have to find new ways in making their products and services known. There is now a  need for several marketing materials to be translated. However, the need to get the right translator to do that is very critical as this could lead to several marketing translation mistakes. Often these mistakes can be costly and embarrassing and this could happen to big and small companies alike.

Overcoming Marketing Translation Challenges

Don’t Translate Idioms. There are several idioms in the English language. Because they contain figurative meanings, these idioms can get lost in translation. They lose their meaning when translated word-for-word. Go over your marketing documents and replace  idioms with sentences or words that customers understand.

Keep Your Sentences Short and Sweet. English-speaking customers will appreciate it.

Translators will be quicker in translating your content, and you will save money!

Make sure that your senteces are less than 30 words long. Instead, break it into two short sentences.  Simple Sentence structure will be a lot easier to translate.

Use Nouns. Oftentimes, marketing documents contain catchy sentences like, “This will make your life easier.” There is nothing wrong with the sentence however, the absence of a noun subject can make the difference. Nouns in some languages take on a feminine or a masculine form. Professional translators will have very little to work with if the nouns are not there.

Language translation is a serious business. That is why we screen to make sure that we only have the best language translators on our team so we can provide high quality translation to our clients.

Contact Language Direct now for your marketing translation needs.

Language Direct it’s currently providing services in London | Birmingham| Leeds| Glasgow| Sheffield | Bradford | Edinburgh | Liverpool | Manchester | Bristol | Wakefield | Cardiff | Coventry | Nottingham | Leicester | Sunderland | Belfast | Newcastle upon Tyne | Brighton | Hull | Plymouth| Stoke-on-Trent | Wolverhampton | Derby | Swansea | Southampton | Salford | Aberdeen | Westminster | Portsmouth | York | Peterborough | Dundee | Lancaster | Oxford | Newport | Preston | St Albans | Norwich | Chester | Cambridge | Salisbury | Exeter | Gloucester | Lisburn | Chichester | Winchester | Londonderry | Carlisle | Worcester | Bath | Durham | Lincoln | Hereford | Armagh | Inverness | Stirling | Canterbury | Lichfield | Newry | Ripon | Bangor | Truro | Ely | Wells | St Davids


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