The Benefits of Human Translation

With the creation of several language translation software applications, is there still a need for human translation? Language Direct says, “YES!” We have a great team of linguists who can translate any document in over 189 languages.

human translation

Machine translations or the use of different translation software application can make document and website translation a lot easier. There isn’t much effort because you have the program to translate the documents for you. However, it doesn’t mean though that machine translation is the best option. Languages evolve and this is where any software application can fall short, and the use of human translation service more appropriate.

Benefits of Human Translation

Language Expertise. Professional language translator usually translates in their native tongue. It is because of that reason that they are very much familiar with the nuances of the language. In fact, a high quality translated document could appear as if it was written in the target language.

Subject Specialization. Medical and technical terms hardly make sense. Only with human translators that you get to require that a specialized person be in charge in working on the translation project.

A machine or any software application doesn’t mimic the same accuracy!

Creativity. Software applications only translate word-for-word. The beauty human translation is that creativity can be exercised. The professional language translator can find the most appropriate word or phrase to use and still be able to send the same message to the target audience.

Cultural Background. A human translator can be knowledgeable enough to know about the culture and tradition of a certain country. With that, he or she is able to adjust to ensure that the translated document is culturally sensitive. Those elements that are offensive, confusing and irrelevant can be modified so it can be more appropriate.

In the end, only the human translators can have a full understanding of the complexities of the language and the culture and tradition of the place.


Here’s some more benefits of human translation for your business:



Call Language Direct and we’ll help you appreciate the beauty of human translation through our high quality language translation services.

Language Direct it’s currently providing services in London | Birmingham| Leeds| Glasgow| Sheffield | Bradford | Edinburgh | Liverpool | Manchester | Bristol | Wakefield | Cardiff | Coventry | Nottingham | Leicester | Sunderland | Belfast | Newcastle upon Tyne | Brighton | Hull | Plymouth| Stoke-on-Trent | Wolverhampton | Derby | Swansea | Southampton | Salford | Aberdeen | Westminster | Portsmouth | York | Peterborough | Dundee | Lancaster | Oxford | Newport | Preston | St Albans | Norwich | Chester | Cambridge | Salisbury | Exeter | Gloucester | Lisburn | Chichester | Winchester | Londonderry | Carlisle | Worcester | Bath | Durham | Lincoln | Hereford | Armagh | Inverness | Stirling | Canterbury | Lichfield | Newry | Ripon | Bangor | Truro | Ely | Wells | St Davids


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