Hindi Translator

Hindi Translator

It is always vital that you get a good translator. With an Hindi Translator the rule is the same The accuracy of your document depends on them. While there are various free translators online, their accuracy and dependability are questionable. One such translation error happened when a user of Google Groups pot complained.  There was an erroneous translation of “virtual” to Hindi using the free Google Translator.

Hire a certified Hindi translator and get 100% accurate official documents from Language Direct.

India and the world

hindi translatorIndia is one of the fastest growing economies in the world today. Economic growth continues to be healthy in India, even during
the recession in the recent years. Job growth has skyrocketed over the last two decades, owing to industries such as tourism, business process outsourcing, agriculture, banking and other global trades. Some economists even predict that India will be a bigger economy than China or the US in the next few years.

India is the third country in the world that has the biggest purchasing power, and it is also one of the largest importers and exporters in the world. However, along with this globalized trading comes the great need for proper communication, and Hindi translators are in high demand more than ever.


Hindi and other Indian Languages

The languages of India are just as colorful as its history and culture, and they tell a lot about the country’s past, beliefs, and traditions.

Indian languages belong to several language families, but they primarily had their roots on Indo -Aryan and Dravidian languages. English and Persian languages have played an important role in history in shaping India’s language today.

In India, during 1961,  there was 1,652  recognized “mother tongues” . On 1991, there were 1,576, and today, there are about 415. 30 of these are spoken by a million native speakers, with Standard Hindi as the country’s official language and is spoken by 41% of the inhabitants. English is constitutionally recognized as the subsidiary official language.

Indian states can also individually legislate their own regional official languages. In addition, there are four classical languages in India: Tamil, Sanskrit, Kannada and Telugu. This applies to ancient documents or artifacts of great antiquity.

Note that the Indian census distinguishes “mother tongues” to be grouped under languages.


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