BSL Resources

BSL british sign language communication support worker

As a linguistic company, we feel it is our duty to help overcome barriers and support our customers and service users. There was a gap in communication during Covid-19 as there were no BSL interpreters present for briefings by the government for few months. There is an estimated 87,000 deaf people in the UK who use BSL as their main language and do not have access to critical information. The government stated that it is not safe to include an interpreter for daily briefings in the same room. To curb this disadvantageous situation, we have created a list of resources available online in BSL to help.



BSL resources available:

SignHealth Charity have interpreted and summarised information from UK conferences regarding the Coronavirus and provide updates which can be found here:

For Information on BSL health access available at COVID-19 testing centres, click here:

Here are some videos to help book interpreters in Healthcare settings during COVID-19:

This NHS inform website provides videos on general advice to answering a range of questions; symptoms and wellbeing, how to collect prescriptions, information on the Coronavirus text message service, contact tracing, social distancing, and more.

Lastly, there is a petition supporting the need for a BSL interpreter to be part of emergency announcements during the Coronavirus. Please sign the petition if you agree with the notion here:


Related Blogs:

To find out more about how interpreters and translators can help during the Coronavirus by providing their skills to educate others, read this article:

Coronavirus: How can Interpreters and Translators Help?


Get insight with our tips on working with BSL interpreters in medical settings!

Tips for working with BSL interpreters in medical settings


Find out about six different types of interpretations and which one is right for you.

Find out about the 6 different types of Interpretations!